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Tiny Forth Ma Tiny Forth Manual NEW

FORTH is a high-level programming language. A program written in FORTH does not look at all like its equivalent written in BASIC. Nonetheless, FORTH is as equally capable as BASIC in problem solving.

In some respects FORTH is superior to BASIC. For instance, FORTH programs typically execute faster than BASIC programs. FORTH programs are usually shorter than BASIC programs. FORTH is "extensible" - you can add new words to the language. On the other hand, most people initially find that FORTH programs are cryptic compared to BASIC.

TINY FORTH is a version of FORTH for the COMMODORF 64 and VIC-20 microcomputers. It contains most of the language elements found in the fig-FORTH standard (most widely used version). TINY FORTH runs on a standard COMMODORE 64 or a VIC-20 with a minimum of an 8K memory expander.

This manual will show you how to get TINY FORTH up and running on your micro. It introduces you to the language elements that are included in TINY FORTH. However, it is not a tutorial on FORTH programming. For that, we recommend one of the references listed in the BIBLIOGRAPHY. Still we'll show you enough examples so that you are able to see how TINY FORTH works.

Our advice to you is to sit down with TINY FORTH and experiment with the words in the GLOSSARY. Not only will you find TINY FORTH a powerful language, but it is a fun one too. So have fun!


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