Category: Software Manuals [C128]
Downloads: Page 2 of 2
Downloads: 46
zip0 Swift Calc 128 User Manual HOT

The power of SWIFTCALC 128 lies in its ability to apply mathematical functions and algebraic formulae to any spreadsheet-type analysis, such as budgeting, financial planning, or cost estimating.  Because SWIFTCALC automatically calculates these formulae for you, you can produce complicated "what if?" reports at the press of a key and make further modifications quickly and effortlessly.

2020-05-17 English PDF 7.45 MB 1,446 Download
zip1 SwiftSheet 128 Manual HOT

SwiftSheet (Also called Swiftcalc) 128 by Cosmi - Swlftcalc replaces pencil, pad of paper and the modern calculator with its electronic worksheet.

2019-09-18 English PDF 3.48 MB 1,005 Download
zip2 The Write Stuff 128 - Reference Manual

This is the complete reference manual for the Commodore 128 wordprocessor, "The Write Stuff 128", also know as BB Writer 128.

2021-10-10 English PDF 3.24 MB 861 Download
zip3 The Write Stuff 128 - Startup Instructions

This is the startup instructions for the most excellent wordprocessor, "The Write Stuff", for the Commodore 128.

2021-10-10 English PDF 1.7 MB 664 Download
d64 floppy4 Wheels 128 Owners Manual HOT

Owners manual for Wheels 128 (Geos Operating System Upgrade).  Also covers Wheel 64.

Wheels _128_Owners Manual
2016-01-21 English PDF 38.94 MB 1,172 Download
d64 floppy5 Word Writer 128 Manual HOT

Now you can easily computerize all your letters, reports, forms, and memos, even if you have no word processing or computer experience.  With WORD WRITER 128's full screen format, you can see your document on your computer display exactly as it will appear ... before you print it.  This ensures that you get exactly what you want in the final copy.

2015-05-19 English PDF 5 MB 1,081 Download
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