Category: Software Manuals [C128]
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Downloads: 46
zip0 BASIC 128 Manual [2nd Printing] HOT

BASIC 128 is an optimizing BASIC compiler for the Commodore 128 that makes your programs faster and more efficient.  BASIC128 has all of the options of the well-known BASIC 64 compiler and contains additional important new features, such as complete compatibility with BASIC 7.0 and an improved code generator.

2020-02-12 English PDF 2.12 MB 1,165 Download
zip1 BASIC 128 Manual [3rd Printing] HOT

BASIC 128 is an optimizing BASIC compiler for the Commodore 128 that makes your programs faster and more efficient.  BASIC128 has all of the options of the well-known BASIC 64 compiler and contains additional important new features, such as complete compatibility with BASIC 7.0 and an improved code generator.

2020-02-12 English PDF 6.86 MB 1,264 Download
zip2 Blitz 128 BASIC Compiler Manual HOT

Blitz BASIC Compiler for the Commodore 128

2019-09-07 English PDF 2.74 MB 1,222 Download
zip3 BobsTerm Pro for the Commodore 128 Manual

Welcome to the world of telecommunications on your Commodore 128. BOBSTERM PRO is a sophisticated terminal communications program designed to make interacting with other computer systems a simple and rewarding experience.  This Program allows the user to control virtually every communications parameter that is likely to be encountered, and even offers adjustments and escape routes to handle some of the RS232 limitations ofthe C128.

2020-02-12 English PDF 9.75 MB 782 Download
pdf4 C-Net 128 BBS v4 Manual NEW

Welcome to the world of telecommunications on your Commodore 128. C-Net BBS is, in our opinion, the most sophisticated bulletin board system available for your Commodore 128. Please take the time to completely read through the introductory and set-up chapters of this manual before attempting to operate the program--this will insure a successful configuration the FIRST time. Once C-Net is configured and operating properly, you will likely not require any further assistance from this text for the basic operation of the program. The balance of this manual has been provided, however, to detail all of the many intricate features of C-Net 128 that exist, waiting to be discovered!

2025-01-21 English PDF 34.69 MB 18 Download
zip5 CADPAK-128 Instruction Manual

CADPAK-128 is a program for the Commodore 128 which helps you draw pictures and graphics designs easily and accurately. The drawings have a resolution of 640 points wide by 360 points high.  When completed, the pictures are printed using a dot matrix printer in various sizes, depending on the printer.  The drawings may be saved on disk, both as a protection against loss due to power failure and also for later recall and display.

2020-02-12 English PDF 7.07 MB 850 Download
zip6 CHARTPAK-128 Instruction Manual

CHARTPAK-128 lets you create data charts easily. It also includes a simple data entry / update facility that allows you to create and adjust your statistical data for charting.

2020-02-20 English PDF 7.82 MB 681 Download
zip7 Clone Machine for the 1571 Manual

Congratulations on purchasing one of the most advance copiers for the Commodore 128 computer and 1571 disk drive. Many month of research have gone into developing this copier. Before we start, | must say a few words about copying software. This software has been designed strictly to allow the user to make legal archival backups. When copies are made and distributed illegally, the software industries losses money. If this happens, software authors may be turned away from developing software.

2023-10-08 English Commodore 128 998.81 KB 217 Download
zip8 CMD gateWay 128 Addendum

CMD gateWay 128 Addendum

2020-02-21 English PDF 471.51 KB 642 Download
zip9 CMS Accounting System 128 Manual

The CMS ACCOUNTING SYSTEM is a fast, easy to use, fully integrated accounting system designed especially for today's modern micro computers.

2020-02-21 English PDF 11.16 MB 751 Download
zip10 COBOL 128 Software System Manual

The COBOL 128 software system is a combination of an Editor, Compiler, Interpreter and Symbolic Debugger.  These features have been designed with ease of learning and ease of use in mind toprovide a powerful programming development tool for general business applications.

2020-02-21 English PDF 6.8 MB 752 Download
pdf11 Color 64 Version 128 BBS Manual NEW

Congratulations! You are the owner of the ultimate upgrade to your Color 64 system! Version 128 will allow you to run your BBS in C128 mode, without going back to stock Color 64 overlays! A program called MALT will interpret each overlay and create a conversion file for it.

Version 128 was designed to work with Color 64 v7.3. If you have an older version, contact Fred Ogle for an update. I wrote U128 to be as compatible wich Color 64 as possible.

2025-01-22 English PDF 646.77 KB 16 Download
zip12 CP/M Kit for the Commodore 128 Manual HOT

This manual is intended to get you, the C128 owner, started in CP/M. Keeping in mind a first time user, you will go through step by step procedures for such tasks as loading the CP/M system, viewing a directory, formatting a disk, copying files, printing files, etc. But not only that, you will learn how to obtain more software from bulletin boards if you have a modem.

Here is a link to the companion disk.

2020-02-26 English PDF 3.03 MB 1,377 Download
zip13 Data Manager 128 Manual

Welcome to DATA MANAGER 128, the complete information management system for your Commodore 128.  DATA MANAGER 128 is a fast and efficient way to keep track of all types of information - customer files, inventory, address lists, market trend statistics, even phone numbers and recipes - and you can retrieve that information at the touch of a key.

2019-09-21 English PDF 4.69 MB 816 Download
d64 floppy14 DesTerm 128 v3.02 Manual HOT

DesTerm 128 v3.02 Manual.

desterm 128 v3.02 docs
2015-05-02 English PDF 129.4 KB 1,212 Download
zip15 DesTerm 128 v3.02 User Guide HOT

Before you use DesTerm for too long, please take the time to familiarize yourself with the contents of this User Guide. DesTerm has a whole host of features to help you telecommunicate - if you know how to use them.

2020-03-01 English PDF 129.4 KB 1,044 Download
zip16 Dialogue 128 v2.2 Manual

Dialogue 128 is quite an amazing terminal with support for the Swiftlink RS-232 cartridge, 1351 mouse, 1700 & 1750 RAM expanders, 40/80 column mode and much much more.

2020-03-01 English PDF 6.98 MB 859 Download
zip17 Digitalker 128 Instructions

DigiTalker 128 is a new programing utility for BASIC 8 and Basic 7 programs. With it and one of the DigiTalker ClipSound Disks you can easily add digitized speech to your Cl28 80 column programs.

2020-09-02 English PDF 6.5 MB 674 Download
zip18 Fast Hack'em 128 v6.00 Manual

Congratulations on purchasing the finest disk duplication system available for the Commodore 128 home computer.  Many thousands of hours of research have been spent in designing the software used in this package in order to achieve a product that would equal or surpass the speed and ability to duplicate nearly any disk, protected or not, of a $10,000 hardware disk duplication system.

2020-03-04 English PDF 1.32 MB 809 Download
zip19 Fastrac 128 Manual

Let us begin by thanking you for your purchase of Fastrac 128.  Fastrac 128 is our finest effort in the C-128 field and represents several years of customer input.

2020-03-04 English PDF 264.73 KB 580 Download
zip20 Fastrac 128 v1.0 US Edition Manual

Fastrac 128 was created specifically for UNPROTECTED software. As far as protected software goes, it will not back-up, copy, transfer files, repair hard errors, or deprotect - Period!  This was not our intention when Fastrac128 was 'designed.  For dealing with protected software, we suggest the Maverick (also from Software Support), which will work on your C-128 in the 64 mode.

2020-03-04 English PDF 15.99 MB 581 Download
zip21 Financial Planner 128 Manual

Using this software you will be able to monitor your financial situation with speed, accuracy, and efficiency.  And while this package leads you step-by-step through every vital area of financial planning, it also enables you to be creative.

2020-03-05 English PDF 53.11 MB 706 Download
zip22 geoCalc 128 User's Manual

geoCalc 128 is the GEOS based (Graphic Environment Operating System) spreadsheet program with powerful calculating abilities.

2020-03-09 English PDF 7.59 MB 793 Download
zip23 GEOS 128 User's Manual HOT

Your new Graphic Environment Operating System (GEOS) ushers in a "whole new world" for your Commodore 128™.  GEOS brings to you the power and ease of use that icons, windows, and pop-down menus provide.  A simple click of your input device is all it takes to get the job done.

2020-03-09 English PDF 9.83 MB 1,354 Download
zip24 GEOS 128 User's Manual Addendum HOT

GEOS 128 User's Manual Addendum

2020-03-09 English PDF 6.95 MB 905 Download
zip25 Hack-Pack 128 Manual

The Commodore 128 provides a very powerful and friendly editor for BASIC programs.  Unfortunately, certain features which are normally regarded as essential in a programmers' editor have unaccountably been omitted by CBM.  In particular, there is no way on the 128 to find a string in a BASIC program much less to search for and replace one string by another.

The HACK-PACK toolkit attempts to fill this need.  Once loaded, the HACK-PACK toolkit fits unobtrusively into an area at the top of RAM in bank 0.  From this elevated position it provides the programmer with a number of totally new editing features.  The HACK-PACK toolkit does not waste memory by providing nonsense commands that no one ever uses such as BEEP and FLASH!  Instead it adds to BASIC eight really useful commands, all designed to improve programming efficiency and productivity.

2020-03-22 English PDF 926.5 KB 759 Download
pdf26 Help PC-128 / Plus C-64 Manual

This is the manual for a programming aid called "HELP 128 Plus C 64" by Print Technik.  The following is from the manual:

HELP 128 PLUS C 64 is a modul to make programming and checking of own programs easier. It will be delivered as a Cartridge-modul. This modul must be inserted in the CARTRIDGE EXPANSIONS SLOT after you have switched off the Commodore. After inserting and turning on again the Computer you will see on the monitor the normaly SWITCH ON picture and the statement PRINT-TECHNIK HELP 128 PLUS 64, or " * PRINT-TECHNIK HELP C64 PLUS * "

2024-09-02 English PDF 19.68 MB 99 Download
zip27 Home Design CAD for the C128 Manual

This program is designed to give the user the ability to create detailed drawings and sketches.  There are basically two different types of CAD packages. The first type is based on bit mapped graphics. This means that all data entered into the program is stored in the bit mapped screen display.  The accuracy of the final product is therefore, limited to the resolution of your computer's display.  The second type, which includes this program, is object oriented.  In this type program, the data is stored in the form of individual lines, circles and text strings, not pixels to be turned on and off.  The drawing seen on the screen is a representation of this data scaled to whatever view the user has selected.  When you magnify or "zoom in on" an area in the first type of program,your display will consist of "fat" dots representing the bit, map. In this program, "zooming in" will actually increase the resolution of the area in question.

2020-03-22 English PDF 1.61 MB 786 Download
zip28 Kracker Jax C128 Cannon Manual

* THE NIBBLER - Our powerful nibbler work• with aingle or dual 1571/1541 drives!

* FAST COPIER - Great for backing up your data disks or for use with Kracker Jax!

* FILE COPIER - This utility makes file maintenance and manipulation tasks easy!

* 1581 FAST COPIER - created for use with the new generation 3.5 inch disk drives!

* 1581 FILE COPIER - Transfer files with the new hlgh-speed 3.5 inch disk drives!

* MFM COPIER - Allows you to copy unprotected IBM and CP/M format disks!

* TIS EDITOR - Track and sector editor for 1541, 1571, and the new 1581 drives!

* ERROR SCANNER - Full featured error scanner with an on-screen display!

* DENSITY SCANNER - Allows you to check for altered densityes track by track!

* DIRECTORY EDITOR - This utlllly lets you alter and reorganize disk directoriesl

* KRACKER JAX - You also get 100 of our hottest, most popular parameters!

2019-10-13 English PDF 385.39 KB 801 Download
pdf29 Mach128 Cartridge Instruction Manual

Mach128 is designed for use with the Commodore C128 and 1571 or 1541 or compatible disk drive.

2025-01-05 English PDF 730.79 KB 23 Download
zip30 Merlin 128 Manual HOT

Merlin 128 is an extremely powerful, comprehensive Macro Assembler system for the Commodore 128 computer. It consists of four main modules and numerous auxiliary and utility programs which comprise one of the most complete assembler systems available for anypersonal computer.

2022-10-31 English PDF 1.55 MB 934 Download
pdf31 Merlin 128 Version 1.10 - A Contrived User’s Guide

I found this nicely formatted and concise guide to Merlin 128 while looking through other goodies at the Bombjack site.  I highly recommend you go visit, that's the place to find books, guides, manuals and all sorts of other great retro related stuff.

2022-10-31 English PDF 106.79 KB 372 Download
zip32 News Maker 128 Documentation

News Maker 128 will allow anyone to create professional looking newsletters, reports, signs and posters with a minimum of effort and expense.  News Maker 128 supports the Commodore 128 in its native 80 column mode.

2020-06-09 English PDF 1.36 MB 719 Download
zip33 Paperback Writer 64/128 Reference Guide HOT

Welcome to Paperback Writer 128 and 64 - probably the best writing tool available for inexpensive home computer systems.  Extraordinarily easy to learn and use, Paperback Writer also offers many sophisticated controls over your documents, on both the video screen and printed paper.

2021-03-28 English PDF 44.61 MB 1,175 Download
pdf34 Paperclip II for the 128 - Tutorial NEW


To get started, we ask that you sit down and read pages 2 through 10 of this Tutorial. These pages will tell you how to use and read the Tutorial and Crash Course, what to expect from PaperClip II, and some basic tips on computer use.

2025-01-31 English PDF 3.38 MB 10 Download
pdf35 Paperclip II for the 128 Manual NEW

Welcome to Paperclip II — The Manual. This part of the PaperClip II package has been designed as a Reference for users who want to know more about PaperClip II and its many functions and capabilities. It is not a step-by-step course on how to use PaperClip II. If you wish to take a few lessons on PaperClip II, first we suggest that you close this book and open Tutorial.

2025-01-30 English PDF 12.45 MB 11 Download
zip36 Petspeed 128 HOT

Petspeed was first released in the early days of Commodore computing and has been implemented on most of the major Commodore machines. Petspeed offers a very high level of compatibility with BASIC 7.0. It has always been and continues to be the BASIC compiler which produces the fastest running compiled programs.

Note - This version still has copy protection in place.  Check here for a cracked version.

2020-05-25 English PDF 993.68 KB 1,238 Download
pdf37 Pro-Term 128 Manual NEW

PRO-TERM is a powerful, 100% machine language terminal package that is easy to use, yet powerful enough to meet the needs of both beginners and professionals alike. Welcome to the exciting field of telecommunications.

2025-01-28 English PDF 2.81 MB 14 Download
zip38 RTC Master 128 Docs

RTC Master 128 Docs - Our friendly neighborhood sleuth,  Colt45, did some digging and uncovered some documentation that was hidden in a .PRG file.  Turns out it was just a .SEQ file that had been renamed. 

If you're curious about RTC Master 128, you can grab it HERE.

Thanks Colt45 for all your help!

P.S. - It is suspected that this program was used with the online service GEnie, can anyone confirm?

2024-02-28 English PDF 445.72 KB 165 Download
zip39 Super Pascal 128 Manual HOT

Super Pascal 128 Compiler and Software Development System for the Commodore 128.

2019-09-19 English PDF 5.16 MB 1,371 Download
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