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IDE64 Manual for v0.89 ID IDE64 Manual for v0.89 IDEDOS HOT

This manual ofr the IDE64 HardDrive/CDROM Controller was created on 2001.Feb.12. with IDEDOS v0.89 in mind and updated on 2002.Oct.11.

The IDE64 cartridge is a device for connecting IDE harddisks and ATAPI CDROM drives to a C64. It's plugged into the Expansion Port and connected to ATA(PI) devices by a 40 wire cable. The IDE64 cartridge contains a 64kB PEROM (flash EPROM, with IDEDOS, Machine Code Monitor, File Manager and Setup), a 28kB RAM (used for internal buffers), a realtime clock chip (powered by a battery), two LEDs (to indicate the presence of the cartrige and HDD activity), a Short-BUS for peripherals (like DUART Card) and an ispLSI chip.


System Commodore 64
Size1.48 MB


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