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VChar64 v0 VChar64 v0.2.0

Changes since v0.1.0:

[NEW] Issue #13: Import VICE Snapshot supports importing maps as well
[NEW] Issue #14: Possibility to restore the last open files at launch. Enabled by default
[NEW] Issue #17: Added "File -> Clone Current Project"
[NEW] Auto Update: Check if there is a new version every 7 days. Enabled by default
[BUGFIX] Issue #11: Doesn't crash when clicking radios on empty Koa file
[BUGFIX] Issue #15: Menu->Colors->Multicolor are enabled/disabled as expected
[BUGFIX] Issue #16: Map/Charset/Tileset: Backward selection works as expected
[BUGFIX] Opening an already-open file will activate that window instead of opening a duplicate tab
[BUGFIX] Moves references to retro.moe/pungas.space from empty charset to About dialog
[BUGFIX] Fix memory leak when deleting a State instance
[BUGFIX] Fix crash when using the Map widget with no open documents
[BUGFIX] Settings code unified in Preferences code. OpenLastDir settings bug fixed


System Windows
Size19.71 MB


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